Little Wonders
from Nature
Little yellow butterfly, pretty little butterfly
I cannot catch you, much as I try.
You flit here, you flit there;
You are here, there….everywhere.
You are so light and airy,
Much like a tiny fairy.
You visit each lovely flow’er,
Sip its nectar like a lover.
Oh! What pleasure, Oh! What leisure,
Oh! What leisure in your pleasure.
- Mumtaz F. Kachwalla @ Nichin Bonsai, 02 I 2008
Happiness is like a Butterfly.
You run behind it, it keeps flying away…
But if you stand still,
It comes and sits on your shoulder….
Lets all stand still for a moment, while savouring the bountiful beauty of Nature n Butterflies!
Here's Wishin all my friends and readers lots n lots of BUTTERFLIES!
PS: The video n photograph was shot by me …sometime last year… while out in our garden.