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Monday, 4 May 2009

Paper Flowers

These commonly found delicate Bougainvillea flowers are crisp-y paper-like and hence are popularly known as the "Paper Flowers".
Originally from tropical America, the Bougainvillea is named after the French navigator de Bougainville. Actually, the flowers are bracts of leaves at the tip of the stems that turn brilliant pink in color. Also found in tones of purple, lavender, carmine, scarlet, red, pink, orange, yellow and white.
Bougainvillea in nature:
Climbing HIGH…. ......Climbing TALL!
Bougain as As a Flowerimg Bonsai……
There are a number of different types of bonsai trees available, but the bougainvillea bonsai is a popular flowering houseplant & considered the one with the most differential character, as it is it is a climbing plant, which can grow to be as large as four meters.
Taking Care of a Bougainvillea Bonsai
Lighting: This type of bonsai likes to be in full and direct sunlight; however like all bonsais you must be careful to not let the sun burn the rather delicate leaves of the plant.

Watering: The bougainvillea bonsai likes it dry for the most part, in that it only needs to be watered sparingly. However, during the flowering period, the bonsai will require an increased amount of water

Temperatures: This type of bonsai should be kept at a temperature of 49 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit if possible, and never below 45 degrees. The bougainvillea is an evergreen species, which means that in colder climates it will become deciduous.

Repotting: Every two to four years, with the best time to do so being in spring, before new growth.

Bougain Flowers: Single and double forms are available, with the double forms tending to carry their blooms near the end of the stems, rather than distributing them evenly over the plant. Bonsai’s flower most heavily in winter and early spring, with a few that will put forth scattered clusters all year round.
** Here’s another shot of a Flowering Torch Glow Bougain in bloom
Reference: Internet Sources

1 comment:

A. said...

how beautiful!